Sunday, December 16, 2012

What if Money Didn't Matter

What If Money Didn't Matter

I saw this video on youtube today. So I want to share it with all of you.

"What would you like to do if money were no object?
How would you really enjoy spending your life?"

I spent lots of time in my early 20s thinking about this question.

I wanted to be happy and free,
I wanted to see the world,
I wanted to meet lots of different people and see how they live their lives.

Though I think totally ignoring the importance of money is unrealistic. We still need to fulfill our needs for food and shelter before we can reach out to pursue our true interests and passions. But this question is worth pondering, so that we don't get lost in the pursue of materialism and forget about things that really matter to us.

Now at times when I feel insecure I remind myself that I'm on the right track and I'm doing the things I love. I hope that in the near future, when I don't have to worry about money, I can still be doing the same thing, traveling to places, learning, teaching yoga, and spending time with the people I love.

Thursday, December 13, 2012

A Few Thoughts on the Flyers

I opened my email mailbox, another mail from a stranger, asking about info regarding gallery yoga classes. She saw my flyer and wants to give it a try.

How wonderful, I thought. That these papers with messages are really working, to bring people to yoga, to connect strangers together through a common interest.

These flyers were designed by Sadao. A man who makes a living by designing business cards, packages, posters, etc. And a man who I'm honoured to have built a relationship with in the past two years.

After we received these flyers delivered to our place, at night we were out on the bicycles to distribute them. I still remember how my mind struggled before walking into each cafe and residential building. "Would they understand my Japanese? How would they react to my request? There must be security cameras at the gate! The security guard would come out and stop me from inserting them into mailboxes..."

Up until now, we have given out about 1500 copies of flyers. Some were left in the corners at cafes. Some got buried down by new posters. Some got thrown away into the trash. Only 1% of them, carried the efforts and creativity of the designer, caught people's attention and initiated the connection.

I must say I still don't like going from door to door to give out flyers. But I really want to thank them, for making me a more humble person, for giving me more chances to meet and share yoga with amazing people and yogis out there.

Is it destiny?

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Kids Yoga at SOWA

I finished my kids yoga training two months ago, finally I had the chance to teach them for the first time on Dec 8th at SOWA.

The class was so much fun with three teachers and 6 parents and 6 kids. We did a lot of games, songs, and of course yoga!

Many people might have this question, why do we teach kids yoga? Well, there are a few reasons for that. First of all, yoga has many physical benefits just like other sports. But the difference between yoga and other sports or dance is that, sports and dance are competitive or they are meant to be performance. And their performance is judged by others most of the time. However in yoga, we teach the kids to feel their body, and to move based on how their body feels. From that kids development a sense of body-awareness and mindfulness. 

From doing partner poses, yoga also teach kids to be more open and friendly towards their parents and classmates, and they learn how to work with others and they become more confident and more caring.

Of course! We teach them English during the lesson! Through moving and poses many kids said it was fun to learn English! Pricelss!

Looking forward to more kids yoga lessons in the near future!

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Living Your Yoga Finding the Spiritual in Everyday Life

A book I've just finished reading recently, Living Your Yoga Finding the Spiritual in Everyday Life by Judith Lasater.
The author Judith wrote about how to integrate yoga philosophy into everyday life. Philosophy about perspective, courage, compassion, fear, patience service, connection, truth, love and more. Judith also gives practice suggestions on each topic. Put it on your reading list! This book might give you a different perspective on the way you look at life.

Monday, December 3, 2012


This is my first time drying persimmons from the fresh fruits, how long do I have to wait? People said a month or two. I can't wait to taste them!